Why subscribe?

Tim Lieder’s Substack full of literary criticism, Jewish thoughts and some politics. Subscribe for semi-regular reviews of John Cheever stories and chapters from The Book of Job.

Also I’m a Zionist. A Zionist is a Jew who has a brain and doesn’t rely on the good intentions of non-Jews. Don’t give me that bullshit about how anti-Zionism isn’t antisemitism. It can be, but it certainly isn’t when Nazis take over Columbia University and demand that Israel surrenders to Hamas.

If that last part bothers you, die angry.

Subscribe to Existential Angst and Plushies - Tim Lieder's Substack

Tim Lieder talks about books, movies, politics, etc. Currently discussing John Cheever and the Book of Job (Iyov). Also I'm a Zionist and if that bothers you, good. Die angry.


Tim's fiction has appeared in several places including Saturday Evening Post and Tales from the Crust anthology. + Support him at patreon.com/timlieder