Although I agree that not all hatred is baseless, such as the hatred fro avodah zarah, foreign worship, often imprecisely translated as idolatry, I believe you missed the alternative reasoning to baseless hatred destroying the Second Temple. It immediately follows at the bottom of TB Yoma 9b, and continues on 10a. https://esseragaroth.substack.com/p/did-baseless-hatred-really-destroy

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I also have an agenda so I'm not being insulting when I mention yours.

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That's definitely a take. Pretty ahistorical, especially when yiu consider that xianity was starting at the time of the temple. But you have a different agenda so I see where you get it from.

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No. Not insulted. And I appreciate your honesty. I do have a hashqafa (for your readers: perspective/preconceived notion perhaps). I was simply quoting the Babylonian Talmud, the idea that since most of stayed in Bavel, and didn't come up... that was a factor. Could we have pushed back the Romans if we had? No idea. But Reish Lakish appears to believe it was a possibility. Not trying to convince you of anything. Just adding to the conversation.

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