Loved the first para for SEO . brenda sucks

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I think the other commenters are FOBs.

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You didn’t even read the assignment properly. It says child abuse is not an acceptable topic for the paper. You’re literally arguing whether spanking is considered child abuse or not. No wonder the professor wouldn’t accept the paper. Even if they had accepted it, it was trash anyways and would Have failed due to bad grammar and the Fact you didn’t use approved bibliographic materials.

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How adorable. The topic was spanking. Obviously Brenda was lying when she claimed that the professor didn't accept it. But yeah, your little grammar policing is sooooooo edgy.

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Man, read the paper you wrote. It's barely comprehensible, you didn't even proofread it. And you're mad that you didn't get paid after sending shoddy work?

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Cute. I'm working for people who can barely write. I guarantee this first draft is better than anything Brenda turned in.

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Should have mentioned that it was a first draft, because there were a lot of errors in it. If I were to receive the same thing you sent, I would not pay a dime for it.

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If you were the kind of student who paid for papers you could either edit it yourself or turn it in knowing that it was still better than 90% of what you write.

That's the problem with the academic fraud racket. If your client has been writing their own papers for the while semester they can't very well turn in a polished manuscript and expect the teacher to buy that they wrote it. These poor professors are reading papers that barely understand grammar.

Also now that AI is being used (and professors are sniffing it out) the misspellings and weird grammar are even more important.

I very much suspect that Brenda who has "nothing to loose" was writing even worse papers.

Of course. I'm most embarrassed by the introduction to King David and the spiders from mars where I wrote "Helen Keller overcame diversity". Seriously I knew that malapropism was possible and I did it anyhow. And didn't even notice until 6 months after the book was published (the rest of the book is great.)

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